Interview with Dubai TV (Arabic) on Adnoc's USD 20.7bn deal, 23 Jun 2020

24 June, 2020
read < 1 minute

Dr. Nasser Saidi appeared in an interview with Dubai TV, broadcast on 23rd June 2020, discussing an agreement to invest in Abu Dhabi’s natural gas pipelines infrastructure.
The agreement worth USD 20.7bn is the largest single global energy infrastructure deal in 2020 – and the region’s biggest. This is significant at time of global recession & capital outflows from Emerging Markets.
The Adnoc deal will attract more than $10bn in FDI into the #UAE; part-privatisation signals openness to PPP & greater private sector involvement in energy development. Adnoc has also taken advantage of investor appetite by monetising its gas pipeline network. Is privatisation further upstream next?
The video can be viewed below from 42:14 onwards.


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